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How to Identify House Spiders

Several species of spiders are likely to hang out in homes. Some of these spiders are more concerning than others, so it’s important to know what you’re up against. If you can identify the type of spider, it will be easier to deal with the situation. We’ve gathered information to help you identify common home-invading spiders.

Common House Spiders

Black widow spider

There are many spiders in the world, but only some are likely to invade homes. Though spiders share several characteristics, each species varies in appearance. Check out how to tell the difference between these common house spiders.

  • American House Spiders: These spiders have long, skinny legs and can grow up to 5/16". They range in color from brown to yellowish-gray.
  • Black Widow Spiders: Black widows can reach up to 1 1/2" in length, and they have a shiny, black body. They are known for the red hourglass-shaped marking on their abdomen.
  • Brown Recluse Spiders: Brown recluse spiders range in size from 1/4"-3/4". They have a brown body with a dark violin-shaped marking.
  • Cellar Spiders: There are two types of cellar spiders. The long-bodied cellar spider has a longer body with legs that can reach about 2" in length. The short-bodied cellar spider has a shorter body, and their legs are about 1/2" in length. These spiders are typically brown or gray with chevron-like markings.
  • Hobo Spiders: Hobo spiders grow to about 1" in length. They are brown with chevron-shaped markings on their abdomen.
  • Wolf Spiders: Wolf spiders have a hairy body and can be black, gray, or brown. They are known for their large, sharp fangs. They range in size from 1/4"-1" in length.
  • Yellow Sac Spiders: Yellow sac spiders grow between 1/4"-3/8" in length. They have dark brown feet and a beige, green, or yellow body.

Where Do Spiders Hide in Homes?

Spider in house

Knowing where spiders hide can help you identify an infestation. Spiders typically prefer to live in dark, secluded areas. However, each species has their preferred hiding spot.

  • American House Spiders: American house spiders like to hide in closets, under furniture, and in corners of rooms. They typically gravitate to basements and attics.
  • Black Widow Spiders: Black widow spiders prefer dry environments. They’re often seen in basements, garages, and crawlspaces.
  • Brown Recluse Spiders: These spiders head to quiet areas in your home including laundry rooms, basements, and attics. They are known to hide in boxes, under furniture, and even in shoes.
  • Cellar Spiders: Cellar spiders like damp and sheltered environments. They’re typically seen in basements, cellars, and garages.
  • Hobo Spiders: When hobo spiders head indoors, they tend to stay in basements or at ground level. They prefer to nestle into cracks and crevices.
  • Wolf Spiders: Wolf spiders like to stick close to the ground and along walls. You’re likely to find them in basements and garages.
  • Yellow Sac Spiders: These spiders like to hang out in corners and in places where the wall meets the ceiling. 

Signs of a Spider Infestation

Spider web

Spotting spiders in your home is the most obvious sign of an infestation. However, there are other ways of identifying a problem. Check out a few signs that spiders have invaded your space.

  • Spider Webs: Many spiders will create webs in homes, so you’ll want to be on the lookout for them. While some spiders weave a traditional spiral web, others create funnel webs or irregular, messy webs.
  • Egg Sacs: When female spiders lay eggs, they create a silk-wrapped sac that helps to protect the eggs. Spotting these egg sacs can help you identify an infestation.
  • Spider Bites: When spiders bite, they often leave behind a mark. Bites can be painful and cause redness, itchiness, or swelling. Black widow and brown recluse spider bites can cause a more serious reaction and may require medical attention.
  • Dead Insects: Spiders often enter homes looking for something to eat. They feed on insects, so finding dead insects in your house can be a sign that spiders are hanging around.

Spotting the occasional spider isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but you don’t want them taking over your home. Before you can kick them out of your space, you need to know what you’re facing. If you’re dealing with spiders or other pests, we have your back! Check out our Maggie’s Farm Simply Effective™ Pest Control products for a more environmentally and family-friendly solution.

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