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Bug Help

Pest Control Tips for Apartments

Pest Control Tips for Apartments. View of looking up at tall apartment buildings with a blue sky.

Having people living in close proximity and units with shared walls can make it easy for pests to spread. We’ve made a list of tips to help keep pests out of your apartment.

Water Bugs vs. Cockroaches

Water Bugs vs. Cockroaches. Water bug and cockroach on white background.

Some insects are mistaken for one another including cockroaches and water bugs. We’ve gathered information about these bugs so that you’ll be able to identify them.

What Causes Cockroaches in Apartments?

What Causes Cockroaches in Apartments? Apartment buildings with trees in front of them.

If cockroaches are present, then there is likely a reason they have decided to move in. Check out a few things that can cause cockroaches to show up in your apartment.

How to Treat for Cockroaches

How to Treat for Cockroaches. Two German cockroaches.

Kicking cockroaches out of your home will require minimizing attractants and using pest control products. We’ve gathered information to help you effectively treat for cockroaches.

How to Get Rid of Pantry Pests

How to Get Rid of Pantry Pests. Pantry food including pasta, nuts, and rice.
Pantry pests can infest dried goods in the store or in your home. They live, breed, and feed on pantry items. We’ve gathered information to help you get rid of pantry pests.

Winter Pest Control Tips

Winter Pest Control Tips
When winter arrives, many pests are eager to escape the dropping temperatures. Check out a few tips to help keep pests out of your home this winter.

How to Treat for Bed Bugs

How to Treat for Bed Bugs
Bed bugs can be a challenging pest to control when they move into your home. We’ve gathered information to help you effectively treat your home for bed bugs.

Are Bed Bugs Active in Winter?

Are Bed Bugs Active in Winter?
Unfortunately, bed bugs can still be problematic in winter. Check out what you can expect from these pests in winter and how to prevent and get rid of an infestation.

Cluster Flies vs. Houseflies

Cluster Flies vs. Houseflies
Cluster flies and houseflies are often mistaken for one another. Check out how to tell the difference between cluster flies and houseflies.

How to Get Rid of Cluster Flies

How to Get Rid of Cluster Flies
Cluster flies are a common overwintering pest. Thankfully, there are things you can do to keep them away. Check out a few tips to help you eliminate a cluster fly infestation.

How to Get Rid of Boxelder Bugs Outside

How to Get Rid of Boxelder Bugs Outside
Removing boxelder bugs from your yard can help to prevent them from sneaking into your home. Check out a few tips to help you get rid of boxelder bugs hanging out in your yard.

How to Prevent Fruit Flies

How to Prevent Fruit Flies
Fruit flies sneak into homes looking for food and places to breed. We’ve made a list of tips to help you prevent fruit flies from invading your home.