Though all insects aren’t a problem, there are some that most people would prefer to avoid, especially those that can bite and sting. The same is true for your furry family members. Certain pests can be harmful to your pets. We’ve made a list of pests that pose the biggest threat to your pets.
Many pets enjoy playing outside, especially when the weather is nice. Unfortunately, this can lead to an encounter with a tick. These arachnids survive by drinking the blood of their host. The American dog tick and the brown dog tick prefer dogs as their host. Ticks hide in grassy and wooded areas, waiting for an animal or human to walk by so they can latch onto their fur or skin. If a tick bites your pet, they can transfer harmful pathogens to them that can make them sick. When you spend time outside, make sure to check your pet for ticks. If you spot one, carefully remove the tick with tweezers. Treating your yard with a plant-based insecticide, like our Mosquito & Tick Killer, can kill ticks as well as prevent them from entering your yard.
Fleas are another bloodsucker that causes problems for your pets. Like ticks, fleas need the blood of a host to survive. Both cats and dogs have a flea species that targets them—the cat and dog flea. Both fleas are brownish-black and about 1/8ʺ. The cat flea is the species most commonly found in homes, but dog fleas are also common. If your pets are scratching more than usual, there’s a chance they’re dealing with fleas. You’ll want to check for fleas and other signs of the pest including flea droppings—tiny dark specks—and white eggs. Flea bites can lead to allergic reactions, which can cause fur loss or skin infections. If your pets are battling fleas, you’ll want to contact their veterinarian for treatment options. Wash your pet's bedding to help remove fleas and their eggs. You can also treat your home with our Bed Bug & Flea Killer.
Mosquitoes are one of the most dreaded pests that you can encounter, and pets are likely to agree. Just like your prone to those itchy red bites, so are your furry family members. Mosquitoes are known to carry pathogens and can transfer heartworms to pets. Keeping mosquitoes out of your yard is one of the best ways to protect your pets. You’ll want to remove any standing water in your yard and avoid stagnant bodies of water, such as ponds, when taking your dogs for a walk. Mosquitoes are most active in the early morning and after dusk. Limiting your pet’s time outside during these hours can help prevent mosquito bites. Spraying your yard with our Mosquito & Tick Killer can help keep your yard mosquito-free.
Stinging Insects
When a stinging insect buzzes near you, your first thought is likely to move away from it. Unfortunately, your pets are curious creatures and are likely to investigate the unidentified flying object. Though most stinging insects aren’t aggressive, a pet trying to bite or swat at it will be seen as a threat. Not only will a sting be painful for your pet, it can also lead to swelling. If a bee is the culprit, you’ll need to check for a stinger. This can be removed by scraping the area with something thin and plastic like a credit card. You don’t want to use tweezers because squeezing the stinger could release more venom. If your pet is stung, you’ll need to make sure they don’t have an allergic reaction. Contact your veterinarian if your pet experiences difficulty breathing, excessive drooling, or hives. If you’re dealing with stinging insects, you can carefully treat the nest with our Wasp & Hornet Killer.
Though ants are tiny, some pack quite a powerful bite. One or two ants aren’t usually a problem, but several of them can be harmful to your pets. Fire ants are one of the more concerning ants your pet could come across. These red ants are aggressive and their bites are painful. Ant bites can cause itchiness and inflammation. You'll want to keep an eye out for anthills or large groups of ants in your yard. Keeping these pests out of your home is also needed to help ensure your pet's safety. Ants are attracted to areas with a food source, so make sure your home is free of crumbs and spills. Using an ant bait, like our No Spill Ant Kill, will not only help kill the ants you see but also help eliminate the source of the infestation.
These arachnids know how to frighten humans away, but your pets might want to take a closer look at them. While most spiders aren’t a problem and are actually beneficial, some species can be dangerous. Spider bites can cause inflammation and pain. You’ll especially want to keep your furry family members away from brown recluse and black widow spiders. Brown recluse spiders are known for the dark violin-shaped marking on their back. Black widows can be identified by their distinct red hourglass marking. Serious reactions can cause vomiting, trouble breathing, and fever. If you think a spider bit your pet, contact your pet’s veterinarian. To help keep your home free of spiders, you can use an insecticide dust like our Spider & Insect Dust.
Your pets are likely curious about the little creatures hanging out in your yard. That’s why it’s important to know what pests could cause problems for your furry family member. If you’re dealing with a pest problem, we want to help! Check out our Maggie’s Farm Simply Effective Pest Control products.