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Why You Have Wasps in Your Home

Stinging insects, like wasps, are most active in summer. However, that doesn’t mean you won’t spot a wasp in winter. Though many wasps die as temperatures cool, some wasps find ways to survive. Unfortunately, some of these pests can end up in your house. Check out why you have wasps in your home in winter. 

Why Are Wasps in My House in Winter?

Winter cabin

Most wasps die in winter, but queens have to survive for the colony to continue. These wasps seek a warm and safe place to overwinter. Areas in your house, like attics and wall voids, are the perfect place for wasps to hide. These pests make their way into homes through cracks or holes, especially near the roof. They’ll remain hidden until temperatures warm up in spring. 

Are Wasps Active in Winter?

Paper wasp

Wasps aren’t typically active in winter. Overwintering wasps tend to stay in their nest in a state of diapause. This is like hibernation for insects that allows them to pause their development. However, if there’s an unusually warm winter day, you may spot a wasp buzzing around. Warm days trick wasps into thinking spring has arrived. These pests will slowly move around trying to find a way outside. This is when you’re most likely to see them.

What Attracts Wasps?

Paper wasp nest

If wasps are in your home in winter, they were probably hanging around your house during summer and fall. Check out a few things that attract wasps to your home and yard.

  • Food Sources: Like other pests, wasps gravitate to areas with food. These stinging insects like proteins and sweets. Trash, crumbs, and sugary drinks and spills can attract wasps. Nectar from plants is a common food source too. Some pests, like ants, will also make a good meal for wasps. If you’re dealing with other bug problems, it could lead wasps to your space.
  • Moisture: Water is a necessity for insects. Wasps are attracted to areas of standing water in yards. Clogged gutters or water build-up in old flowerpots can attract these pests. If you leave a water bowl outside for pets, be sure to change it regularly.
  • Shelter: Wasps build nests in shrubs, trees, and on the exterior of your house. Doorframes, window sills, and eaves are common nest locations. These pests also like building nests in attics if they can find a way inside.
  • Strong Fragrances: Wasps are attracted to some fragrances. They prefer sweet scents because they mimic the smell of flowers. Perfumes and colognes with a strong fragrance can lead wasps to you.

Wasps may find your home warm and cozy, but you don’t have to let them move in. Taking the time to pest-proof your house in spring and summer can help you avoid these pests in winter. If wasps are bugging you, we have your back! Check out our Maggie’s Farm Simply Effective™ Wasp & Hornet Killer to help keep your space free of these stinging pests.

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