Our Commitment
At Maggie’s Farm, we love Mother Earth.

We are passionate about pest management that can be conducted effectively, without harming the environment, and we take seriously the challenge to create the very best pest control products that money can buy. All of our products and solutions are unique and aligned with the principles of integrated pest management (IPM); IPM looks at pest problems holistically, taking pest biology into consideration, considering why pests are present in the first place, and then integrating environmental means of control. By the way, you will never find two identical Maggie’s Farm products labeled with different names. Every product is specially formulated to control the specific pests listed on the product label.

We are committed to marketing our products with integrity, keeping the “hype” to a minimum, and we promise to be straight with you about what our products will and will not do. You will always have realistic expectations regarding our products’ performance!

Our favorite part? We get to be here for you to provide the guidance you need to help you solve pest problems effectively and safely.