Wood Destroying Insects

Control Strategy
Maggie’s Farm Home Bug Spray will kill these bugs if you spray them directly. Be sure to follow the instructions on the product label. For treating nests or galleries, Maggie’s Farm Spider and Insect Dust is a good option, also. It works more slowly, but lasts longer than a spray. If termites have infested your home, or if any of these insects have caused significant damage to structural wood, you definitely need to contact a professional. In the meantime, treating the insects you can get to can help slow down potential damage. Note that none of these products are considered a preventive treatment for subterranean termites. How to get rid of carpenter ants, they will typically respond well to syrup bait or granular bait placed along their trails, which they can consume and take back to the nest. This will eventually eliminate the entire colony (usually within about 2 weeks).
Wood Destroying Insect Facts:
- Wood-destroying insects including termites, carpenter ants, bees, and wood-boring beetles
- Termites are the most destructive and the most feared of these.
- Termites and wood-boring beetles will eat wood, whereas carpenter ants and bees will excavate wood, but not actually eat it.
- Each of these pests is pretty much present in the whole United States, except that termites aren’t found in the very coldest, north central areas.
- Termites are worse in the southern climates and coastal areas, whereas carpenter ants are often more common as a problem in central and northern areas.
- Wood-boring beetles seem to be more of a problem along the east coast.
- Each of these insects can be transported with firewood or mulch. It’s also not uncommon to bring in a wood-boring beetle problem with antique furniture or artifacts.
- Carpenter ants, bees, beetles, and termites will favor wood that’s already been damaged by moisture and /or fungus, wood rot, or another insect.
- Termites, like ants, have a colony structure and a queen.
- The main nest for carpenter ants is usually not in a building - a tree stump or woodpile is a lot more attractive to them. Problems can begin to compound i they build a satellite nest in a wall. This is most common if the area is damp.
- Carpenter bees aren’t a problem unless they decide to bore into your house to make their nests, which is a round hole about 0.6 inches in diameter. They are much less likely to bore into finished wood. They are large and look like bumble bees, but hardly ever sting.
There is plenty of information out there about how to prevent termites, but keep in mind that if you are dealing with any wood-destroying insects (especially termites), you may want to consult a professional.