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10 Common Questions About Bugs

Though we share the world with bugs, most people tend to avoid them. While this is certainly understandable, it opens the door for many questions about these home-invading pests. We’ve answered ten of the most commonly asked questions about bugs.

1. What colors do bugs like and dislike?

Pink and orange paint

This answer changes depending on the species. Some insects are attracted to bright colors like orange and yellow because they remind them of their food source—flowers. Others, like mosquitoes, are attracted to darker colors like black and darker shades of blue. 

2. Which insects pollinate?

Bee on flower

Bees and butterflies are the most famous pollinators. However, there are quite a few other insects that help with pollination such as wasps, beetles, flies, and moths. Though it’s very rare, some ants can also help pollinate plants.

3. What household bugs are nocturnal?

Bed bug on fabric

The most common nocturnal pests include bed bugs, cockroaches, and crickets. There are a few occasional invaders—the bugs that pop in from time to time—that are nocturnal. Centipedes, millipedes, and earwigs are mostly active at night.

4. Can insects feel cold?

Fly on ice

Yes and no. Insects need to know when it’s time to prepare for winter. They do this by detecting changes in temperatures. However, you won’t find a bug complaining about being too cold or too hot. Though they can identify shifts in temperature, they don’t experience physical discomfort from temperatures.  

5. What do bugs eat?

Cockroach eating cracker

Like you, each insect species has their favorite snacks. Some insects feed on other insects. Ladybugs eat aphids while spiders eat a variety of insects. Others, like paper wasps, feed on nectar and pollen. There are even bugs who like to eat your leftovers. Ants are fond of meat and sweet treats.

6. Why do insects like light?

Outdoor light

Some bugs have a tendency to fly toward light sources. One simple reason for this is that it helps them see when flying. They rely on moonlight when travelling and your porch light acts as an artificial moon. However, these alternate light sources can confuse bugs. Though many insects are attracted to light, not all gravitate toward it. Cockroaches prefer to hide in dark areas and they will flee if you turn on a light.  

 7. Where do bugs go in the winter?

Cabin in winter

Species respond differently to cold temperatures. Some, like butterflies, choose to migrate to warmer places. Wasps, boxelder bugs, and stink bugs are just a few insects that seek shelter inside of homes and buildings. Others, like bees, will huddle together for warmth in their nest. There are also bugs, like mosquitoes, that enter diapause, which is a process similar to hibernation.

8. What is the difference between a bug and an insect?


Usually people use the terms interchangeably, but there is a difference between a bug and an insect. Insects and bugs both have an exoskeleton, segmented body, and six legs. Insects have a chewing mouthpart, two pairs of clear wings, and they complete four life stages. Bugs have a sucking mouthpart, hardened shield-like forewings and if they have hindwings, they’re clear. Bugs only complete three life stages.

9. What smells do bugs like?

Butterfly on flower

Bugs are attracted to a few scents. They like perfumes and colognes that have a sweet or fruity note. This is because it reminds them of food. The same is true for floral scents since many bugs feed on the nectar from flowers. Some insects, like mosquitoes, are attracted to the odor sweat produces.

10. What smells do bugs dislike?

Thankfully, a few scents drive bugs crazy. Some plants have a fragrance that repels pesky insects. Lavender, peppermint, and citronella are just a few of the plants that bugs prefer to avoid. That’s why many of our Maggie’s Farm Simply Effective Pest Control products are formulated with natural plant essential oils.

When insects aren’t invading your home, they can be interesting creatures. There are many species in the world and each one has their unique abilities and habits. Which fact did you find most interesting? Let us know in the comments below! 

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