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How to Get Rid of Ants in the Kitchen

Your kitchen is the perfect place for ants to stop by for a meal. They can easily find left behind crumbs or sticky residues from a spill. Thankfully, there are things you can do to keep your kitchen free of ants. Check out a few tips to help get rid of ants in your kitchen.


Clean Up Crumbs & Spills

Cleaning counter

To deter ants from your home, thoroughly and regularly clean your kitchen. Pay special attention to areas that might have grease or sugary residues. Always clean up crumbs and spills promptly. Wipe down countertops and appliances. Cleaning with soap and water or vinegar and water can help to disrupt the pheromone trails that other ants follow in search of food.

Properly Store Food

Food in containers

Storing food in sealed containers or in your refrigerator can help to keep ants away. Transfer ingredients, like sugar, into tightly sealed containers. Keep the outside of containers clean, especially if they contain something sweet like syrup or honey. Placing a bay leaf in dry goods, like stored flour, can help prevent pests. Don’t forget to store your pet’s food too.

Remove Trash

Trash bin

Trash cans can easily attract ants. Food left in indoor trash bins for too long can emit a strong odor. Keep your trash sealed and take bags outside daily. Don’t throw away perishable foods unless they are placed in plastic bags. Keep your outdoor trash bins away from entrances to your home. Not only will this help keep ants away but it will discourage other pests, like cockroaches, too.

Minimize Moisture

Water in sink drain

Check around your kitchen sink for water. Repair or replace any leaky pipes or faucets. Try to keep the area around the sink free of standing water. You’ll also want to check other areas in your home for moisture build-up. If ants find water elsewhere, it won’t be long before they head to your kitchen to look for something to eat. 

Seal Entry Points

Sealing crack near window

You’ll want to ensure ants can’t easily enter your home. Keep an eye out for small cracks and holes in your walls and around windows and doors. Use caulk or spackle to seal them. Seal windows and doors with weather stripping. Patch or replace damaged door and window screens.

Trim Vegetation

Trimming plant

Keep tree branches, plants, shrubs, and other vegetation trimmed. You don’t want them touching the side of your house. Branches and plants can act as a bridge for ants to enter your home. Mow your lawn regularly to keep grass short. Outdoor prevention techniques can help keep ants out of your home.

Use Plant-Based Insecticide Sprays

Ant & Roach Killer

If you’re only dealing with one or two ants, then you can spot treat with a plant-based insecticide spray. Our Ant & Roach Killer kills ants on contact and repels them too. You can also create a protective barrier to help keep ants out. Spray the perimeter of your yard with our Yard Bug Spray or common entry points with our Home Bug Spray.

Use Ant Baits

Roach Killer Gel Bait, No Spill Ant Kill, Ant Killer Bait

Ant baits are an effective way to get rid of ants. Our No Spill Ant Kill and Ant Killer Bait attract ants so they will consume the bait. They take it back to the colony to share, which gradually kills the colony. Depending on the size of the colony, it may take a couple of days to a few weeks to eliminate the colony. You’ll want to be patient. It’s a good sign if you see ants coming and going from the bait or bait stations. Don’t use sprays in areas where you’ve placed bait. This will keep ants away from the bait you want them to eat.

Questions? Tips? Tricks? Leave us a comment below!

For scientifically-tested, effective ant control in your yard and home that is friendly to the environment, try Maggie’s Farm pest control products. Our promise is that our plant and mineral-based products are developed by scientists and seasoned pest control professionals to be the most effective.

1 comment

  • Very good info and products!


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