Always read label directions and precautions prior to use. Shake well before use and periodically during use.
Sprayer Directions: Attach the bottle nozzle to a garden hose. Make sure the nozzle is in the “OFF” position, and turn on the water spigot to fully open. Extend hose to the farthest area to be treated. Hold the bottle upright and point nozzle towards the treatment site (not the ground). Bend the small plastic safety tab with your thumb and turn to “ON”. Begin spraying, working back towards the spigot. The bottle will empty after 10-12 minutes of spraying. To stop spraying, turn to “OFF” position. Turn the water off. To relieve pressure before disconnecting nozzle from the hose, turn dial to “WATER” until the water stops. Then turn back to “OFF” position and disconnect from hose.
Treatment Directions: This bottle is designed to cover up to 5,000 sq ft. For preventative treatment and light infestations, apply at a rate of 500-600 sq ft per minute. For heavy infestations, apply at a rate of 250-300 sq ft per minute. For best results, wait a day or two before mowing or watering the treated area. Reapply monthly, or as needed.
Lawns: For lawn pest treatment, spray in a sweeping motion to cover the target area, overlapping the spray to get total coverage.
Trees, Bushes and Heavy Vegetation: For plant pests, mosquitoes, ticks and other listed pests that harbor in heavy vegetation, spray thoroughly to ensure treatment reaches deep into vegetation, versus just spraying the top. Spray foliage to the point of runoff.
Ornamental Plants: For aphids, beetles, caterpillars, leafhoppers, scale insects, weevils and whiteflies. Spray on the underside of leaves as much as possible. Only apply at the lower rate (500-600 sq ft per minute) to minimize potential for burning delicate plants, and apply late in the day.
Building Foundation (Perimeter Treatments): To help prevent ants, boxelder bugs, centipedes, cockroaches, crickets, earwigs, fleas, firebrats, lady beetles, millipedes, silverfish, sowbugs/pillbugs, spiders and springtails from getting inside the house, spray the lower portions of the foundation and the ground along the perimeter to about 3 feet out. Do not spray siding.