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How to Prevent Occasional Invaders

Every so often, certain pests will make their way into homes. The ones that only pop in from time to time are called occasional invaders. These pests, like centipedes, silverfish, and earwigs, come inside when environmental conditions change. We’ve made a list of things you can do to keep occasional invaders out of your home.


How to Prevent Occasional Invaders infographic

Seal Entry Points

Sealing crack with caulk gun

One of the best ways to prevent an occasional invader infestation is making sure they can’t find a way in. Pests can squeeze through small spaces, so you’ll want to seal any cracks or holes you find. Check near windows and doors and use a caulk-gun to seal cracks. Make sure weather-stripping isn’t damaged and has a proper seal. It’s important to repair any tears in window and door screens. You’ll also want to inspect siding to make sure it isn’t loose. Pests can easily slip behind it and enter your home.

Eliminate Moisture


Moisture is one of the main things occasional invaders need to survive. Eliminating excess water is key to keeping them out of your home. Inspect areas where these pests hide including basements, attics, and bathrooms. Repair leaking pipes and use a dehumidifier to reduce moisture build-up. Make sure your vents are working correctly to allow for proper air circulation. Keep your gutters clean and free of leaves. Any drainage spots should be checked to ensure water runs away from your home’s foundation.

Clean Your Yard

Trimming shrub

Outdoor preventative measures are just as important as indoor prevention. Occasional invaders are attracted to areas with plenty of shelter, food, and moisture. Remove leaf piles and grass clippings from your yard that act as a hiding place and food source. You’ll want to trim any shrubs or trees that shade areas and promote dampness. If you have woodpiles, keep them as far from your house as possible and off the ground. It’s important to keep plants from touching your house since pests climb on them and have an easier time accessing your home.  

Keep Your House Clean


A clean house can help keep bugs away. Though occasional invaders feed on vegetation and insects, some will also eat household items. Silverfish eat paper products like books, magazines, and wallpaper. If you’re holding on to old books or magazines, it’s best to keep them out of areas that become damp easily. Since pests like hiding under and in cardboard boxes, storing your things in sealed plastic containers is best. Silverfish have also been found in pantry items. Store your food in tightly sealed containers. Take the time to sweep up crumbs and wipe up any spills that could attract pests.

How to Get Rid of Occasional Invaders

Yard Bug Spray & Home Bug Spray

Treating your yard with a plant-based pesticide, like Maggie’s Farm Simply Effective Yard Bug Spray, can help keep bugs from invading your home. It will kill pests on contact while providing you with residual repellency. This acts like a barrier and can deter pests from sneaking into your house. If you spot occasional invaders inside, you can use a vacuum to remove them. You’ll want to remove the sealed bag from your home. You can also treat the interior of your house with a spray like Maggie’s Farm Simply Effective Home Bug Spray. It will help eliminate the pests you see while also preventing other pests from coming inside.  

Occasional invaders may not stop by often, but that doesn’t mean you have to invite them into your home. Taking the time to pest-proof your house and yard can help ensure pests stay away. If bugs do invade your home, we have your back! Check out our Maggie’s Farm Simply Effective Pest Control products for a more environmentally and family-friendly solution.

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