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How to Identify Bed Bugs

Bed bugs hitch a ride into homes on luggage, people, or furniture. These pests are excellent at hiding and they breed quickly. Identifying an infestation is the first step to getting rid of bed bugs. We’ve gathered information to help you identify a bed bug infestation.

What Do Bed Bugs Look Like?

Bed bug

Adult bed bugs are flat, brown bugs when unfed. After feeding, they enlarge and turn a reddish hue. These pests are oval and about ¼ʺ in length. Bed bug nymphs are tiny, about the size of an apple seed. They are white or tan until they feed. Adult and nymph bed bugs are wingless.

How to Know if You Have Bed Bugs

Bed bug

When bed bugs invade homes, they tend to leave behind clues to their presence. Here are a few signs of a bed bug infestation.

  • Bed Bug Sightings: Though bed bugs are small, you can still see them. Spotting these pests, their eggs, or their molted skin is an indicator of an infestation.
  • Spots on Bedding: You may also notice red bloodstains or darker stains on your mattress, bedding, or furniture. The red stains occur when bed bugs are crushed. The darker stains are their droppings.
  • Bug Bites: When bed bugs bite, they sometimes cause red, itchy marks on your skin. These can be found on areas exposed while sleeping including arms, legs, and your neck. Bites are red and often clustered together in a line or zigzag pattern.
  • Odor: Infestations can result in an unpleasant odor. It’s often described as musty and will be more noticeable with a large infestation.

Where Do Bed Bugs Hide?


When examining your house for bed bugs, there are several places to look. Check out a few areas where bed bugs like to hide in your home.

  • Bed & Bedding: Bed bugs hide in the cracks and crevices of mattresses, headboards, and bed frames. They can also be seen on sheets and bedding.
  • Furniture: These pests aren’t afraid to leave the bed. Furniture, including sofas, nightstands, and dressers, can house bed bugs.
  • Home Décor: Bed bugs have been spotted on picture frames, wall art, and décor found on nightstands.
  • Electrical Outlets: It’s not uncommon for bed bugs to hide in electrical outlets.
  • Luggage: When travelling, bed bugs can easily crawl into your luggage, purse, or other travel items.
  • Fabric Items: These bugs will hide in a variety of fabric household items including curtains and clothing.

No one wants to share their room with hungry bed bugs. If you can identify a problem early, you’ll have an easier time eliminating an infestation. If bed bugs are bothering you, we’re here to help! Check out our Bed Bug Killer dust for a more environmentally and family-friendly solution.

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