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Where Do Mosquitoes Come From?

When temperatures rise, many people are ready to head outdoors. Unfortunately, mosquitoes love the warm weather too. Understanding where mosquitoes come from can help you prevent their arrival. Check out where these pests can be found and how to prevent them from taking over your yard.

Why Do Mosquitoes Come Back in Spring?


During winter, some mosquitoes enter a state of hibernation called diapause. Other mosquitoes lay eggs in fall, and the eggs remain dormant throughout winter. When temperatures increase in spring, mosquitoes are back in action. Mosquito eggs start hatching once temperatures are consistently above 50° F. Once these pests are active, female mosquitoes begin looking for a blood meal.

Where Are Mosquitoes Found?


If mosquitoes are bugging you, they’ve probably found a hiding spot close by. To identify where mosquitoes are coming from, you need to know where mosquitoes like to breed and live. Check out a few common harboring sites.

Permanent Water Sources

Mosquitoes need water to survive. They deposit eggs in water, and larvae and pupae develop in it as well. Some mosquito species prefer to hang out near permanent bodies of water. Ponds, lakes, swamps, and marshes can house these pests. Mosquitoes can travel several miles to find food, so if you live in proximity to water, this could be where they are coming from.

Temporary Water Sources

While big bodies of water are great for mosquitoes, these pests only need a little bit of water to breed. Things in your yard can provide them with moisture. Clogged gutters, buckets, or other items filled with water can attract mosquitoes. These pests can also be seen near puddles and areas with pooled water. Kiddie pools, birdbaths, and your pet’s water bowl can be the perfect breeding spot for mosquitoes too.  


These pests also need a break from the sun to ensure they don’t dehydrate. Vegetation can help to keep them cool and shield them from the wind. Wooded areas, especially those near lakes or ponds, are likely to have mosquitoes. These pests can also settle down in areas with tall grass or overgrown vegetation. The area underneath your deck is also an ideal harboring site, since it is damp, cool, and dark.

How to Prevent Mosquitoes

Mosquito control products

The best way to keep mosquitoes away is to remove potential attractants. We’ve made a list of tips to help keep your yard free of these pests.

  • Remove Standing Water: Mosquitoes originate near water, so it’s important to minimize moisture in your yard. Empty items that collect water. Keep your gutters clean and make sure downspouts work properly. Fix leaky pipes and spigots. Replace the water in birdbaths, pet bowls, and kiddie pools frequently.
  • Trim Vegetation: If mosquitoes can’t find a place to escape the sun, they will be less likely to hang out in your yard. Regularly mow your lawn. Trim vegetation including plants, shrubs, and bushes. Trimming back tree branches will help to expose more of your yard to the sun and minimize damp, shady spots.
  • Clean Up Your Yard: Remove items from your yard where mosquitoes could harbor including leaf litter, sticks or branches, and weeds. Keep the space under your deck clean to avoid creating potential hiding spots.
  • Create a Protective Barrier: Spraying your yard with a plant-based insecticide spray can help to deter mosquitoes. Our Mosquito & Tick Killer kills mosquitoes on contact and provides residual repellency. The repellent properties create a barrier that helps to keep mosquitoes out of your yard.

Nobody wants to share their yard with mosquitoes. If you can track down where mosquitoes are coming from, it will be easier to get rid of these pests. If mosquitoes are driving you crazy, we’re here to help! For a more environmentally and family-friendly solution, check out our Maggie’s Farm mosquito control products.

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