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Bug Help

Can I Get Fleas from My Pet?

Can I Get Fleas from My Pet? Gray and brown kitten. White background.
While fleas are typically associated with your pets, they can also cause problems for you. Check out if your pet’s fleas can bug you and how to protect yourself from them.

Why Fleas Are Difficult to Control

Why Fleas Are Difficult to Control. Brown and white dog itching flea bite while laying on a blanket.
Understanding why these pests are tricky to remove will help you better control an infestation. Check out why fleas can be difficult pests to kick out of your home.

5 Things You Need to Know About Fleas

5 Things You Need to Know About Fleas. Gray and white cat. White background.
The more you know about fleas, the easier it will be to eliminate an infestation. We’ve made a list of five facts about fleas that you need to know.

5 Reasons Why You Have Fleas

5 Reasons Why You Have Fleas. White and brown dog biting an itch while laying on a blanket.
Understanding where fleas come from can help you prevent an infestation. Check out five reasons why fleas could be bugging you.

How to Pest-Proof the Perimeter of Your Home

How to Pest-Proof the Perimeter of Your Home. Exterior house with front lawn and blue sky.
Keeping bugs out of your house means paying attention to the perimeter of your home. We’ve made a list of tips to help you pest-proof the perimeter of your home.

5 Tips for a Bug-Free Backyard

5 Tips for a Bug-Free Backyard. Close up of grass on white background.
A little bit of bug-proofing can help ensure pests won’t bug you. We’ve made a list of tips to help keep bugs out of your yard.

Tips for Bug-Free Outdoor Entertaining

Tips for Bug-Free Outdoor Entertaining
Having bugs crash your outdoor party isn’t enjoyable. We’ve made a list of tips to help keep your outdoor gatherings free of pesky bugs.

Early Spring Bug Prevention Tips

Early Spring Bug Prevention Tips. White background with pink flower border.
Implementing preventative measures early can help you avoid a pest infestation. We’ve made a list of things you can to do to bug-proof your home this spring. 

What Bugs Come Out in Spring?

What Bugs Come Out in Spring? Yellow flower with trees in distance.
Insect populations decline in winter, but many bugs are hiding just waiting for spring to arrive. We’ve made a list of pests that emerge in spring.

How to Prevent Fleas

How to Prevent Fleas. White and gray cat sitting with a white background behind it.
Taking a few preventative measures can help keep your furry family members safe from fleas. Check out a few tips to keep fleas from bugging you and your pets.

5 Signs You Have Fleas

5 Signs You Have Fleas
Spotting an infestation early will make it easier to get rid of fleas. Check out five signs that fleas have invaded your home.

Tips for Effective Home Pest Control

Tips for Effective Home Pest Control. Collection of Maggie's Farm Pest Control products on white background.
Effective home pest control may require preventative measures and pest control products. We’ve made a list of tips to help you keep your home free of pests.