Ants are known for marching into homes and yards in search of something to eat. While many things can attract these pesky bugs to your space, there are also some fragrances that can help to keep them away. These scents are either strong and unpleasant to ants or they disrupt an ant’s ability to smell, helping to naturally repel them. Check out a list of six smells that ants hate.
1. Vinegar

Ants aren’t a fan of vinegar’s strong fragrance, making it a great ant repellent. Vinegar can also be used to help remove ant pheromone trails. Ants release pheromones that help to lead ants to a food source. To remove these trails, you can mix water and white vinegar and use this solution to clean floors and wipe down counters. Removing the pheromone trail will help to keep ants away.
2. Citrus

Many people enjoy the fragrance from citrus fruits, but ants aren’t fond of this scent. The fragrance from citrus juice and peels, especially oranges and lemons, is said to repel ants. The scent also helps to disrupt their sense of smell, making it harder for them to follow pheromone trails.
3. Spices

Spices are great for flavoring your dishes, but they can also hep to deter ant activity. Cinnamon, black pepper, and cayenne pepper are a few spices that ants don’t like. They find their strong fragrances unpleasant and try to avoid them. These scents can also help to mask pheromone trails, keeping ants from invading your home.
4. Plants, Herbs & Flowers

Several plants have fragrances that repel ants and other pests. Herbs, like thyme and rosemary, are known ant deterrents. Marigolds and chrysanthemums can repel ants too. Chrysanthemums contain pyrethrins, which have insecticidal and insect-repellent properties. These plants can be placed in gardens or in pots in homes to help discourage ant activity.
5. Essential oils

Essential oils can also help to keep ants and other bugs away. When ants come near the oils, they will be repelled by the plant oil vapors. When correctly combined, essential oils can also kill ants when they are sprayed with them. Thyme, rosemary, cinnamon, and peppermint oil are a few oils that ants don’t like to be around.
6. Plant-Based Insecticide Sprays

Insecticide sprays formulated with plant essential oils can effectively kill and repel ants. Our Ant & Roach Killer, Home Bug Spray, and Yard Bug Spray contain plant oils and are labeled for ant control. They kill ants and other pests when sprayed while also providing residual repellency protection. The repellent properties can help to create a protective barrier, keeping ants away. Spraying common entry points or the perimeter of your house and yard can help to deter ants from entering your home.
Finding ways to keep pesky ants out of your house is important. Knowing what scents drive these bugs crazy can help to prevent them from hanging around your space. If ants or other pests are bugging you, we have your back! When used as directed, our Maggie’s Farm Simply Effective™ Pest Control products provide a more environmentally and family-friendly solution.