After cold winter months, you’re probably ready to spend some time in the sun. Unfortunately, mosquitoes are just as eager to start buzzing around. These pests are notorious for crashing your outdoor fun and leaving you with itchy bites. Knowing when to expect these hungry pests can help you avoid them. We’ve gathered information to help you prepare for mosquito season.
When Does Mosquito Season Start?
While it would be nice for mosquitoes to arrive at the same time, this isn’t quite how it works. Mosquito season starts at different times depending on where you live. This is because the weather greatly affects mosquito, and other bug, populations. In general, most regions can expect to see mosquitoes once spring arrives. Warmer locations will start seeing mosquitoes pop up earlier than cooler areas.
When Is Mosquito Season Over?
Just like the beginning of mosquito season doesn’t have a specific start date, there isn’t a definitive end date. When temperatures begin to cool, mosquitoes start preparing for the winter season. Some will enter diapause,and others won’t survive the decrease in temperatures. Once the first freeze of the season takes place and temperatures are consistently below 50 degrees, you’ll get a break from mosquitoes.
How Does the Weather Affect Mosquito Season?
Temperature and rainfall are the main factors that affect mosquito season. The mosquitoes that spent winter in diapause—a bug’s form of hibernation—need warm weather to become active. This usually happens when temperatures are consistently 50 degrees or higher. Warm weather and damp conditions help mosquito eggs hatch. Populations are higher in areas with rainfall. Mosquitoes thrive when temperatures are around 80 degrees, so expect populations to reach their peak during these times. While mosquitoes thrive in warm temperatures, things can become too hot for them. Extreme heat and dry conditions can cause mosquitoes to become less active.
When is Mosquito Season?
Though weather conditions vary from state to state, regions usually experience similar mosquito season patterns. Check out when your region can expect mosquito activity.
The Southeast is the warmest and wettest region in the country. This means mosquitoes will arrive in this region earlier than other areas. Expect to see mosquitoes arrive between February and April. Don’t plan on them leaving until October or November.
This region typically experiences hot summers, which mosquitoes will enjoy. Mosquitoes are likely to pop up in mid-April to early May. Mosquito season usually doesn’t end until October.
Summer in the Midwest is filled with lots of rainfall and high temperatures. These weather conditions are ideal for mosquitoes. Prepare for them to arrive between April and May and to leave in the middle of October.
The warm climate of the Southwest is just what mosquitoes are looking for after winter. They become active between February and April. You can expect them to stick around until mid-October to early November.
While the Northwest is cooler than other regions in the United States, that doesn’t mean it won’t get its fair share of mosquitoes. Mosquito season begins in mid-April and will typically last until early October.
If you’re in Alaska, you’ll be happy to hear that your mosquito season is the shortest in the country. It usually lasts from June to August.
If Alaska gets to claim the shortest mosquito season, Hawaii can claim the longest one. Mosquitoes thrive in Hawaii’s climate and can arrive as early as February and not leave until December.
Maggie’s Farm Mosquito Season Map

Tips to Prepare for Mosquito Season

No one wants to spend their summer battling mosquitoes. The good news is there are things you can do to help keep these pests away. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for these pesky blood-suckers.
- Eliminate Standing Water: Remove any objects that could collect water in your yard. Frequently replace water in your pet’s bowl or birdbath. Make sure your gutters work properly to avoid water build-up.
- Maintain Yard: Keep your lawn and shrubs trimmed. Remove any yard debris, like piles of leaves, to limit potential breeding areas.
- Create a Protective Barrier: Spraying your yard with a plant-based insecticide spray, like our Mosquito & Tick Killer, will not only kill mosquitoes but also leave you with residual repellency protection.
- Avoid Peak Mosquito Hours: Mosquitoes are most active at dawn and dusk. If possible, avoid spending too much time outside during these times.
- Cover Your Skin: Wearing long sleeves and pants can help to keep mosquitoes from biting you. Mosquitoes are drawn to dark colors, so opt for light colored clothing.
- Apply a Bug Spray: Using a plant-based spray, like our Natural Insect Repellent, can help keep mosquitoes from bothering you and your family.
Your summer doesn’t have to be shared with hungry mosquitoes. Before mosquito season arrives, make sure you take preventative measures to keep these pests away. If mosquitoes and other bugs are giving you a fit, we want to help! Check out our Maggie’s Farm Simply Effective™ Pest Control products.