Fruit Flies

Control Strategy
Try to eliminate what is attracting them if you can. Keep fruit in a sealed container or refrigerated. Don’t leave fruit cores or peels in unsealed garbage cans. Clean up any spills of juice, wine, or beer.
How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies:
Maggie’s Farm Fruit Fly Trap is an innovative, easy-to-use, patent-pending trap that will discreetly lure and capture fruit flies fast. It uses a non-toxic, dual lure-tablet-and-liquid attraction system. Simply squeeze the liquid into the trap, then add a tablet, and it’s ready to trap and kill fruit flies! There is also a glue surface inside the trap that provides another way to capture the flies in addition to their drowning in the liquid. Place the trap(s) in areas close to where the fruit fly problem is located. Our traps work for up to 30 days! You should only use one trap at a time in the typical kitchen, as traps should be placed 8-10 feet apart.
If you want to use a direct killing spray, use Maggie’s Farm Flying Insect Killer aerosol. Its plant oil-based formula is designed for fast knockdown and control of flying insects, including fruit flies. Just follow the label directions. If you think you have fruit flies or drain flies in your drains, you can spray the drains with Maggie’s Farm Flying Insect Killer aerosol. To help break up scum build-up in garbage disposals, run ice through it. A product called InVade Bio Drain, available online, is good for digesting the build-up that occurs in drains and garbage disposals.
Fruit Fly Facts:
- Home-invading fruit flies are small gnat-like nuisance flies that get into a home on produce or sneak in through window or door screens. These flies are Drosophila species. They are not the same as the agricultural pest called a fruit fly. They have tan to brown bodies and large red, or sometime dark red eyes.
- Fruit flies are attracted to overly ripe or fermenting fruits and vegetables. They eat the yeast or rot that grows on or inside fruits/vegetables.
- They are often seen near bowls of fruit, glasses of wine and beer, and garbage and trash cans.
- Sometimes fruit flies will lay their eggs in the scum that builds up in drains or garbage disposals. Drain flies lay their eggs in this scum, too, but are usually gray and have larger wings and fuzzy moth-like appearances, but much smaller than a moth.
- Fruit fly beats its wings 220 times per second, making them excellent fliers.
- A female fruit fly can lay up to 500 eggs in her lifetime. The lifespan of a fruit fly is about two weeks, or even shorter in warmer temperatures.