Pantry and Clothes Moths

Control Strategy
Maggie's Farm offers you a variety of moth control products, that are family-, pet-, and earth-friendly, and that you can feel good about using. Maggie’s Farm Flying Insect Killer and Maggie's Farm Home Bug Spray are effective at killing moths. Simply follow the instructions on the product label.
How to Get Rid of Moths
The moths you will most likely encounter in your home are Pantry moths and Clothes moths. It is best to use an effective Pantry moth spray to kill adult Pantry moths when they are at rest and in relatively close range. Maggie’s Farm Flying Insect Killer and Maggie's Farm Home Bug Spray are also effective at killing Clothes moths; when spraying insects that are in flight, it may take a little extra effort to hit them with enough of the spray to take them down. If they are only misted with a small amount of spray, they may not be knocked down immediately and may take longer to die. Be sure to wipe away any excess spray residues when applying indoors.
Maggie’s Farm Pantry Moth Trap will capture the adult stages of Pantry moths, just follow the directions on the label (Note that the pheromone in these traps will not attract clothes moths). For Pantry moths, try to locate the infested food to throw it out and keep dry goods in sealed containers. It can be difficult, though, because sometimes just a little spilled flour under a cupboard or in a crack or wall void can be the culprit. For clothes moths, try storing silk and woolens in plastic containers or sealed garment bags.
To kill the larval stages of both clothes and pantry moths, we strongly recommend using Maggie’s Farm Bed Bug Killer dust. This dust is labeled for these moths, as well as Pantry and Fabric-infesting beetles, and will provide long-lasting protection. Follow the label directions and apply to cracks and edges of pantries, closets and storage areas. Use a paint or craft brush to lightly brush the dust into cracks. See the Bed Bug Killer video for dust application techniques.
Pantry and Clothes Moth Facts:
- There are many different types of moths, and most nuisance moths live outdoors.
- Clothes moths and pantry moths are smaller moths that can live and breed indoors. They are often called “stored product insects” since they infest commodities.
- Pantry moths eat dry goods like grains, nuts, flours, pet food and bird seed.
- Clothes moths infest items like clothing and upholstery, if they contain natural fibers (wool and silk).
- Most of the damage is done by the larval stages of these insects, versus the adult moths.
- The larger the moth infestation, the more damage they can cause, such as holes in garments and contamination of food.