Camping trips are filled with fun activities like hiking and sitting around the campfire. Unfortunately, several pests have a habit of interrupting the fun. Before heading out into nature, you’ll want to know how to keep your family safe from these pests. Check out a few tips for keeping bugs away during your next camping trip.

Common Pest Problems While Camping
The woods are filled with many creatures, and bugs are no exception. Here are some of the most common pests you may run into while camping.
- Mosquitoes
- Ticks
- Flies
- Stinging insects
- Spiders
- Ants
How to Keep Bugs Away While Camping
Keeping these pests out of your campsite requires a little bit of planning. Here are a few things you can do to help keep your camping trip pest-free.
Choose Your Campsite Carefully
Choosing the right campsite can help reduce your chances of dealing with bugs. Look for areas that are high and dry. Avoid setting up camp near standing water since mosquitoes breed in these areas. Sunny locations will help ensure your site dries quickly after rainfall.
Keep Your Campsite Clean
A messy campsite is sure to attract bugs. Store food in containers with an airtight seal. Wipe down the table when you first arrive and after every meal. You also don’t want to let dirty dishes sit after eating. Dispose of food carefully and make sure trash is never left uncovered. Ants and flies will be less likely to invade your space if they can’t find food.
Keep Your Tent Shut
It sounds simple, but zipping up your tent can help keep bugs away. Anytime you enter or exit your tent, make sure to close it behind you. You’ll also want to do a check for pests, like ticks, before going inside. The last thing you want is to bring a bug in with you.
Start a Campfire
Not only are campfires a camping essential, they can also naturally repel pests. Bugs, like mosquitoes, don’t like smoke. While you enjoy telling stories around the fire, you can relax knowing bugs will be trying to avoid the area.
Cover Your Skin
One of the best ways to avoid bug bites is to wear long sleeves and pants. This can be tricky on warmer days, but there are lightweight options available. You’ll also want to go with light-colored clothing. Mosquitoes are attracted to darker colors and you’ll be able to easily check for ticks.
Stick to the Path
There’s a good chance you’ll want to go on a hike. Being adventurous can be fun, but sticking to a marked path can help you avoid bugs. Ticks like tall grass, so try to stay clear of these areas when hiking.
Regularly Check for Ticks
Throughout the day, spend a few minutes checking for these blood-suckers. If you take your furry family members along for the fun, you’ll want to examine them too. Make sure you bring along a first aid kit with tweezers just in case you have to remove a tick.
Choose Fragrant-Free Hygiene Products
Some of your favorite fragrances, especially sweet and floral scents, can attract bugs. While outside, you’ll want to use hygiene products that are scent-free. This will make it harder for pests, like mosquitoes and stinging insects, to track you down.
Use a Bug Spray
While there are scents bugs love, there are also those that they would prefer to avoid. Some plants have fragrances that naturally repel pests. That’s why our Maggie’s Farm Simply Effective™ Natural Insect Repellent contains plant essential oils. It repels mosquitoes, ticks, and flies while also being more environmentally and family-friendly when used as directed.
Whenever you spend time outside, there’s always a chance you’ll meet a pesky bug. That doesn’t mean you have to let it ruin your fun. Taking a few preventative measures can help keep your camping trip bug-free. If pests are giving you a fit, we have your back! Check out our Maggie’s Farm Simply Effective Control products.
Great things to know when camping awesome.
These tips are very helpful. I will make a copy for my next campout.