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Common Outdoor Areas Ticks Hide

Ticks have a habit of putting a damper on your outdoor fun. These pests wait for the opportunity to latch onto you and your furry friends. Knowing where ticks hide will make it easier to avoid them the next time you go outside. We’ve made a list of common outdoor areas where ticks are likely to be found.

Wooded Areas

Hiking in woods

Ticks thrive in cool environments with shade, which is why wooded areas are a favorite hiding spot for ticks. The tree canopy provides relief from the sun. Wooded areas have plenty of ground vegetation where ticks can live. They hang out on shrubs and grass, waiting for a host to walk by them. If you’re hiking through a forest, stick to the path to avoid brushing against vegetation.

Grassy Areas

Close up of grass

Ticks are often found close to the ground in grassy areas. Lawns, fields, and parks are ideal hangout spots for ticks. Tall grass provides ticks with shade and a place to wait until a host approaches. To avoid ticks in your yard, you’ll want to keep your lawn trimmed. Whether you head outdoors for a picnic or to play with your pet, be sure to check for ticks.


Lawn backing up to trees

The term ecotone refers to a transitional area between two ecosystems. In relation to ticks, it’s the area between a lawn and woods or brushland. Ticks thrive here because the area is often unmaintained, providing ticks with plenty of hiding spots. If your yard borders woods or fields, it’s best to create a barrier of gravel or woodchips to help deter ticks from entering your yard.



Gardens can also attract ticks to your outdoor space. Ticks like low hanging shrubs, plants, and ground cover. Fallen leaves can also give ticks a place to hide. Because your plants are watered regularly, the soil remains damp. To prevent tick migration, you’ll want to avoid overwatering your plants. Your garden may also attract wildlife that carry ticks. Fences around your yard or garden can prevent their arrival. Planting tick-repelling plants may also help.

Woodpiles & Stone Walls


If you yard houses woodpiles or stone walls, you could be encouraging tick activity. Woodpiles provide shelter and protection from the sun. Stone walls often retain moisture, and the cracks and crevices give ticks a dark place to hide. Keeping your woodpiles off of the ground and away from the house can help to prevent ticks.

Yard Debris

Raking leaves

Ticks can find other sources of shelter throughout your yard. These pests are often found under piles of leaves or leaf litter. Weeds, grass clippings, and twigs can act as shelter for ticks as well. Garbage in your yard could also lead to tick activity. While these pests aren’t attracted to trash, garbage can attract tick-infested wildlife that could leave behind ticks.

Though ticks can make it difficult to enjoy your time outside, there are things you can do to avoid them. Identifying and minimizing hiding spots can help ensure you have a tick-free outdoor experience. If you’re battling ticks or other pests, we have your back! For a more environmentally and family-friendly solution, check out our Maggie’s Farm Simply Effective™ Pest Control products.

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