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5 Reasons Why You Have a Cricket Infestation

From time to time, crickets will find their way into your house. Though their chirping can be annoying, the possibility of them breeding in your home is more concerning. Knowing why these pests invade can help you prevent an infestation. Check out five reasons why crickets may infest your home.

1. Moisture

Water in dish outside

Crickets need moisture to survive, which is why you often find them in basements and bathrooms. They’ll gravitate to areas with moisture build-up. Repair or replace leaky pipes and faucets. Remove items in your yard where moisture can gather including old flowerpots and watering cans. Gardens with excess moisture can also attract crickets, so don’t overwater your plants.

2. Clutter

Cardboard boxes clutter

When crickets enter homes, they need to find a safe place to hide. Items in your house can provide them with shelter. If your home is filled with clutter, crickets will be happy campers. Remove paper, cardboard boxes, dirty clothes, and other items that crickets can hide under. Store items in plastic bins to eliminate cardboard and keep your items protected from crickets and other pests.

3. Messy Yard

Rake and leaves

A messy yard can attract crickets. These pests will hide in overgrown grass and weeds. Bushes and shrubs can also provide crickets with shelter. If you have woodpiles, you’ll want to store them several feet away from your house since crickets and other pests can hide in it. Remove yard debris including grass clippings, logs, leaves, and rocks from your yard to help keep crickets away.

4. Food Sources


If crickets can find something to eat, they may decide to move into your home. Crickets feed on insects and plants, which is why they spend time in yards. They’ll also eat fruit, vegetables, trash, and pet food. Storing your food in the refrigerator or in sealed containers can help to deter crickets. Some crickets will eat fabrics like cotton and wool, so it’s best to store these in areas where crickets are less likely to gather. 

5. Lights

Light bulb

Bright lights can attract large numbers of crickets to your yard. These nocturnal pests are more attracted to cool tones. Swapping your white lights for warm yellow light bulbs can help to minimize cricket activity. If they can see lights coming from inside your house, they may try to make their way inside. Closing the blinds and curtains can help to keep these pests away.

No one wants to deal with one cricket chirping at night and especially not an infestation. Minimizing cricket attractants can help to prevent an infestation. If crickets and other pests are bugging you, we’re here to help! Check out our Maggie’s Farm Simply Effective™ Pest Control products for a more environmentally and family-friendly solution.

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