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Indoor Home Bug Problems That Are Difficult to Control

When bugs find a place that offers them food, water, and shelter, they are more than happy to stick around. Even when you try to get rid of them, some pests may not get the hint that they’re unwelcome in your home. We’ve made a list of indoor bug problems that can be a challenge to control.

German Cockroaches

German Cockroach

When German cockroaches find a warm and humid place to hide, it can be hard to get them to leave. These pests reproduce quickly and one female cockroach can produce hundreds of eggs in their lifetime. They range in size from 13-16mm, allowing them to hide in small places. Being able to find them is even more challenging since they’re nocturnal. If they go unnoticed, their population can grow into a large infestation. Eliminating an infestation requires targeting the nest, which is why baits are effective. Our Roach Killer Gel Bait is designed to allow cockroaches to return to the nest. This allows other cockroaches the opportunity to consume the bait.

Bed Bugs

Bed Bug

Like cockroaches, bed bug infestations can be quite large. Their small size, about 5mm, allows them to fit into tiny spaces. They hide in crevices of mattresses, bedding, furniture, wall décor, and clothing. They are nocturnal, which can make it difficult to spot them. A few treatment steps are necessary to control a bed bug problem. You’ll need to wash your bedding on a high heat setting. Vacuuming can also help remove bed bugs and their eggs. Using an insecticide dust, like our Bed Bug Killer, can provide long-lasting protection. A plant-based insecticide spray, like our Bed Bug & Flea Killer, can help kill bed bugs and their eggs. It’s important to remember that multiple applications will be needed to eliminate an infestation.

Argentine Ants

Argentine ant

When argentine ants work together, it can make getting rid of them challenging. These ants are social insects that live together in colonies. Argentine ant colonies typically have more than one queen and some have hundreds of queens, leading to colonies with thousands of ants. This combined with hidden nests can make it difficult to eliminate an infestation. Their nests are often found in soil and under buildings or sidewalk. Eliminating the source of the infestation is the key to success. Our No Spill Ant Kill bait is designed to allow ants to take the bait back to the nest and share it with the colony. This will help to effectively eliminate the entire colony and provide you with long-lasting control.



Fleas are often brought into homes on your furry family members. These jumping pests are very small, around 2mm, and reproduce quickly. The biggest problem with a flea infestation is that they are protected from insecticides in two of their life stages—egg and pupal. During the pupal stage, fleas are encased in a silk cocoon that acts like a shield. Treating your pet is the first step in getting rid of fleas, so be sure to contact your veterinarian. Vacuuming and sweeping can help to reduce the number of flea eggs, but they are tiny and hard to spot. Flea larvae and adults can be killed using a plant-based insecticide spray like our Home Bug Spray and Bed Bug & Flea Killer. In order to eliminate an infestation, you’ll need multiple applications to target fleas that emerge from eggs and cocoons. While insecticides can be applied to floors, pet bedding, and furniture, they shouldn’t be applied to pets.

Brown Recluse Spider

Brown recluse spider

The brown recluse spider gets its name because it likes to remain hidden. These spiders search for areas that are dark and secluded. They’re usually found in basements, garages, sheds, and closets. Their hiding skills and their nocturnal habits can make it difficult to locate them. If undiscovered, their numbers can grow. A brown recluse spider produces up to 5 egg sacs during its life and these sacs contain about 50 eggs. Though these spiders aren’t aggressive and only bite when provoked, their bites can lead to serious side effects. Applying an insecticide dust, like our Spider & Insect Dust, can help to prevent and treat an infestation. It kills pests on contact while also providing you with residual repellency.

Indian Meal Moth

Indian meal moth

The Indian meal moth is one of the most common pantry invaders. While the adult moth can be a nuisance, the larvae cause the most problems. Indian meal moth larvae feed and live in pantry items. These pests are difficult to control because of their numbers. An adult Indian meal moth can produce up to 400 eggs in just a few weeks. These eggs are tiny and so are the larvae when they hatch. If an infestation is suspected, pantry items will need to be examined for pests. You’ll also want to wipe down cabinets. Placing a trap, like our Pantry Moth Trap, in pantries and kitchens can help eliminate Indian meal moths and their larvae. You can also apply our Spider & Insect Dust to cracks and crevices. 

Sometimes pest infestations require a little more time and effort to completely rid your home of the problem. Knowing what you’re up against can help make the process easier. If you’re dealing with a pest problem, we want to help! Check out our Maggie’s Farm Simply Effective Pest Control products.

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