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Bug Help

Types of Stinging Insects That Nest Underground

Types of Stinging Insects That Nest Underground
While some stinging insects nest above ground, others like to build nests underground.   Check out which stinging insects prefer to nest underground and how to identify a nest.

When Do Bugs Go Away?

When Do Bugs Go Away? Close up of pine cones and tree branches with white background.
While cooler temperatures can cause some bugs to go away, others adapt to the changing weather. Check out if bugs will go away this fall and what to expect from the bugs that stay.

Common Types of Stinging Insects

Common Types of Stinging Insects
It’s important to be able to correctly identify stinging insects and their nests. We’ve gathered information about common stinging insects to help you spot the difference between these bugs.

How to Attract Pollinators

How to Attract Pollinators. Bee sitting on pink flower with blurred flowers in background.
Certain things can make your garden more attractive to pollinators, so it’s important to set yourself up for success. Check out a few ways to attract pollinators to your garden.

5 Bugs That Are Good for Your Plants

5 Bugs That Are Good for Your Plants. Bee resting on a white flower.
It takes some work to keep your plants healthy, but you don’t have to do it alone. Check out five bugs that are good for your plants.

Why Are Bees Aggressive in the Fall?

Why Are Bees Aggressive in the Fall? Bee on white background.
As the weather cools, you may notice bees becoming more aggressive. Check out the reasons for the change in their behavior.

Plants That Repel Carpenter Bees

Plants That Repel Carpenter Bees. Geranium flowers on white background.
Though flowers can attract bees, there are some plants with fragrances that repel them. We’ve compiled a list of plants that can repel carpenter bees.

How to Treat Insect Stings

How to Treat Insect Stings. Close up of a wasp's face on a white background.
If you are stung by a wasp or bee, it’s important to know how to properly care for the wound. We’ve compiled a list of common stinging insects and how to best treat a sting.

Bug Season Predictions

Bug Season Predictions. Map of the United States on white background with ants crawling on it.
The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) released its Spring and Summer 2021 bug barometer. Check out how the weather will affect bug numbers in your area.

How to Stop Ants from Getting into Beehives

How to Stop Ants from Getting into Beehives. Bees in their hive.
Ants see beehives as a chance to eat a sweet treat. We’ve gathered information to help you keep ants from getting into your beehives.

How to Attract and Protect Beneficial Insects

How to Attract and Protect Beneficial Insects. Three lady bugs on a white background.
Beneficial insects can be nice to have in our gardens and around our homes. Check out how to attract and protect these helpful bugs.

10 Common Questions About Bugs

10 Common Questions About Bugs. White question marks with one red question mark.
While many people tend to avoid bugs, they still have questions about them. We’ve answered ten of the most commonly asked questions about bugs.