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Common Bedroom Pests

Common Bedroom Pests

Insects in your bedroom? Most people like to think of their bedrooms as a sanctuary, of sorts, away from the cares and problems of the outside world. Unfortunately, uninvited guests may find their way in and crash your solace without you know how they got there. Yes, we're talking about buggy pests in your bedroom. Bed bugs are probably the best-known bedroom pests, but other home invaders, like fleas and spiders, are also prone to show up in the areas where you sleep.

What Bugs do You Typically Find in Your Bedroom?

Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are small, flat, wingless insects and more of a nuisance than a health hazard. They will show up to suck blood from people in your bedroom, hotel room, in college dorms, and even in hospitals. Bed bugs are the most common bedroom pests.

Bed bugs travel by hitching rides in backpacks, purses, suitcases, etc., and are super sneaky about it. Bed bugs range in color from almost white to brown, but they turn a dark reddish-brown after feeding. Common bed bugs don't grow much longer than 1/4", and are difficult to spot. Their favorite place to hide is in your bedding, mattress, box springs, bed frame, and headboard, though they can also hide in nearby bedroom furniture, in stuffed animals, laundry piles, and even behind electrical socket plates. Their bites can result in itchiness, skin rashes, and allergic symptoms. 

See our How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Naturally guide here.



Fleas are common insect parasites of dogs and cats, feeding on the blood of these animals. Even in the absence of pets, fleas are known to feed on humans, as well. Adult fleas can consume up to 15 times their body weight in blood daily!

Pets get infested when adult fleas (indoors or outdoors) jump onto them. Fleas can jump upward of 6 to 8 inches, and hitch a ride on passing dogs and cats, indoors and outdoors. They can also hitch rides indoors on shoes and in the pant legs of humans.

Pets can also get fleas in kennels, at groomers, from stray animals, and wildlife (raccoons, opossums, etc.) wandering through the yard. Fleas rarely jump from one pet host to another.

See our How to Get Rid of Fleas Naturally guide here.



Ants love crumbs and sugary drinks, not just in your kitchen, but also in your bedroom. You may encounter these critters simply wandering or near places in your room where you have had food or soft drinks. They are harmless (unless they happen to be fire ants or carpenter ants), but large numbers of them, especially in your sleeping area, can be unnerving.

Find out how to get rid of ants using natural ingredients here.



Cockroaches contaminate your food, destroy paper and fabric, make asthma/allergies worse, track bacteria with them wherever they go, and they can even become a nuisance in your bedroom. In a year, one female German cockroach (the most commonly seen indoor roach) can produce up to 30,000 babies. They'll take shelter in just about any clothes or clutter pile, and can show up in your bedroom anytime, especially if there are crumbs and sweet things left over to eat.

See our How to Get Rid of Roaches guide here.



All homes have spiders, but they are hardly ever a threat to you and your family (watch out for Black Widow and Brown Recluse spiders, however!). Indoor spiders are beneficial because they help keep other bug populations down. You just don't like seeing spiders anywhere near where you sleep. Watch for them in your bedroom in corners, closets, underneath furniture, in quiet, dark areas, and near windows.  

Why Insects and Spiders are Attracted to Your Bedroom

Bedroom pests head into your room in search of a couple of key things: food and shelter. Bedrooms are usually quiet and secluded and can provide both food and shelter for various pests, including blood for pests like bed bugs and fleas. There are also ample places for them to hide in clothes, sheets, furniture, closets, etc.

How to Get Rid of Bugs in Your Bedroom

Bugs aren't the end of the world, and there are preventive steps you can take to help keep your bedroom bug free. At home, you and your family should maintain good cleanliness and sanitation habits, especially in the bedroom, to help prevent any infestations.

Clean Your Room - Yes, just like your mom always told you to. Keep clutter and piles of clothes off the floor, and keep food out of your bedroom as much as possible, and crumbs and spills wiped up.

Seal up windows - Make sure your screens are in good repair, and that cracks and holes are sealed up with caulk or spackling to prevent unwanted visitors.

See our guide 6 Easy Steps to Keep Bugs Out here.

Keep Your Bedding Washed - One thing that will surely kill bugs (including bed bugs, their nymphs, and eggs) is a super hot cycle in the washer and then the dryer on full heat. Be sure to get all bedding, pillows, stuffed animals, etc.

Does Your Pet Have Fleas?

Keep fleas in check by making sure your pets are not giving them a ride indoors. Manage fleas on your pets that like to go outside by bathing them regularly with a special shampoo, keep them on a leash as much as possible, and treat them for fleas with appropriate products. Check them thoroughly when they come inside after playing outdoors, and check their sleeping areas indoors regularly. Pest problems usually begin outside, so keep your yard sprayed with an effective yard bug spray.

Once you've done what you can to help prevent bugs in your room, you can keep an effective home bug spray or flying insect killer on hand in case you see any pests in your bedroom. You may want to be even more proactive by treating cracks, crevices, and out of the way corners in your room with a good spider & insect insecticide dust or bed bug killer.

If you feel like you might have an infestation on your hands that seems overwhelming, you should consider contacting a pest control company. Qualified pest control professionals will perform a full inspection of your home, including your bedroom, to identify the real source of your bug problem, and then recommend an effective treatment plan.

Got any tips and tricks on how to keep bugs out of your bedroom? We'd love to hear them! Leave us a comment below.

For scientifically-tested, effective pest control in your bedroom and home that is friendly to the environment, try Maggie’s Farm pest control products. Our promise is that our plant and mineral-based products are developed by scientists and seasoned pest control professionals to be the most effective.

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