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Bug Help

How to Keep Indoor Plants Bug-Free

How to Keep Indoor Plants Bug-Free
Some pests have a habit of feeding on indoor plants. We’ve made a list of tips to help you keep bugs away from your indoor plants.

Pest Prevention for Houseplants

Pest Prevention for Houseplants
Pests can slip into your home and snack on your houseplants. Check out a few tips to keep pests from bugging your houseplants.

5 Tips for Effective Garden Pest Control

5 Tips for Effective Garden Pest Control
Some pests have a habit of snacking on your plants. We’ve made a list of five tips to help you effectively keep pests out of your garden.

5 Tips for Organic Gardening

5 Tips for Organic Gardening. White watering can, potted plants, and tipped over pot of soil on white background.
Whether you choose to go organic or not, you’ll want to ensure your plants won’t be attacked by hungry pests or diseases. Check out a few tips to keep your plants healthy.

How to Prevent Garden Pests

How to Prevent Garden Pests
Unfortunately, some pests invade gardens and feed on plants. We’ve made a list of tips to help you keep pests out of your garden.

10 Small Pests in Your Garden

10 Small Pests in Your Garden
Garden insect pests and plant diseases are just part of the gardening experience. There's a lot you can do to help prevent attacks on your plants. Read our guide to learn more.

6 Signs Your Plants Have a Pest Problem

6 Signs Your Plants Have a Pest Problem. Leaf with holes with a white background.
When pests attack plants, they can cause damage that weakens them. We’ve made a list of signs that could warn you of a pest problem in your garden.

How to Prevent Houseplant Pests

How to Prevent Houseplant Pests. Two potted houseplants sitting on hardwood floor against a white wall.
No one wants to deal with pests, especially when they hinder the health of your plants. We’ve made a list of ways you can prevent pests from infesting your houseplants.

Most Common Houseplant Pests

Most Common Houseplant Pests
When bugs make houseplants their home and food source, they can harm the plants. We’ve made a list of the most common houseplant pests to help you keep your plants safe.