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Bug Help

How to Keep Indoor Plants Bug-Free

How to Keep Indoor Plants Bug-Free
Some pests have a habit of feeding on indoor plants. We’ve made a list of tips to help you keep bugs away from your indoor plants.

What is Living in My Houseplant?

What is Living in My Houseplant?
When pests start popping up on your plants, it’s important to identify them quickly. Check out which bugs are likely to live in your houseplants and how to identify an infestation.

Which Maggie’s Farm Garden Product Should You Use?

Which Maggie’s Farm Garden Product Should You Use?
Maggie’s Farm offers several products that can keep pesky plant pests and diseases away. Check out which of our garden products will be the best one for your plants.

5 Tips for Effective Garden Pest Control

5 Tips for Effective Garden Pest Control
Some pests have a habit of snacking on your plants. We’ve made a list of five tips to help you effectively keep pests out of your garden.

5 Tips for Organic Gardening

5 Tips for Organic Gardening. White watering can, potted plants, and tipped over pot of soil on white background.
Whether you choose to go organic or not, you’ll want to ensure your plants won’t be attacked by hungry pests or diseases. Check out a few tips to keep your plants healthy.

Using Borax for Garden Pests

Using Borax for Garden Pests. Bowl of borax on white background.
Borax is used in gardens to eliminate certain pests, like ants, and to help keep plants healthy. We’ve gathered information about borax and how it can be used in gardens.

How to Prevent Garden Pests

How to Prevent Garden Pests
Unfortunately, some pests invade gardens and feed on plants. We’ve made a list of tips to help you keep pests out of your garden.

Common Garden Pests

Common Garden Pests
Some insects like to feed on plant sap, which can harm your plants. We’ve made a list of some of the most common pests that could be hiding in your garden.

10 Small Pests in Your Garden

10 Small Pests in Your Garden
Garden insect pests and plant diseases are just part of the gardening experience. There's a lot you can do to help prevent attacks on your plants. Read our guide to learn more.

6 Signs Your Plants Have a Pest Problem

6 Signs Your Plants Have a Pest Problem. Leaf with holes with a white background.
When pests attack plants, they can cause damage that weakens them. We’ve made a list of signs that could warn you of a pest problem in your garden.