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Bug Help

Benefits of Common Pests

Benefits of Common Pests
While bugs' presence in our homes can be destructive, their actions in our yard can be beneficial. Check out why common house pests are important to the environment.

Bugs to be Thankful for This Thanksgiving

Bugs to be Thankful for This Thanksgiving
Whether they help pollinate plants or keep true pests away, some bugs lend a helping hand. We’ve made a list of bugs to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.

Pests that Love Leaves

Pests that Love Leaves
Some insects like to hide in leaf piles since they provide shelter and warmth during the cooler season. We’ve made a list of pests that you could find amongst your leaves.

Most Dangerous Bugs in the World

Most Dangerous Bugs in the World
Whether their bites are venomous or they attack in groups, there are bugs you don’t want to upset. We’ve made a list of some of the most dangerous creepy crawlies.

Bug-Themed Halloween

Bug-Themed Halloween
Halloween is the only day bugs crawling around your home is acceptable—if they’re fake of course. We’ve gathered some ideas on how you can have a buggy Halloween.

Buggy Halloween Costumes

Buggy Halloween Costumes
Though many people would prefer their life be insect-free, exceptions are made on Halloween. We’ve made a list of some buggy costumes for Halloween.

7 Bugs Good for Your Garden

7 Bugs Good for Your Garden
Beneficial insects are a great addition to your garden because they help with pest control and pollination. We’ve made a list of good bugs to have in your garden.

Spookiest Looking Bugs

Spookiest Looking Bugs
It’s the season to be spooky and some bugs can’t wait to show off their scares. To add to the Halloween season, we’ve made a list of the spookiest looking bugs in the world.

Pests That Live in Homes Year-Round

Pests That Live in Homes Year-Round
Though summer is when pests are typically most active, some stick around throughout the year. We’ve made a list of pests that can be found in your home year-round.

Most Common Fall Pests

Most Common Fall Pests
Fall is filled with orange leaves, pumpkin spice, and unfortunately bugs. We’ve made a list of the most common pests you could encounter this fall.

How to Prevent Fall Pests

How to Prevent Fall Pests
Fall is filled with pumpkin spice and everything nice…except for bugs. We’ve made a list of things you can do to help keep fall pests out of your home.

Average Lifespan of Common Household Bugs

Average Lifespan of Common Household Bugs
Bugs typically have shorter lifespans that vary between species. Check out the average lifespan of common household bugs.