Temperatures are rising and flowers are blooming which can only mean one thing—spring is here. We’re not the only ones excited for warm weather, so are bugs. In spring, insects begin to emerge from their winter hiding spots. We’ve made a list of common spring pests you’ll want to be on the lookout for in your home and yard.

Nothing ruins your time outside like a mosquito bite. When temperatures steadily stay above 50 degrees, mosquitoes are ready to begin hunting. Mosquito eggs can typically endure winter conditions. This means that when spring rolls around, they’re ready to hatch. Some mosquitoes enter a state of diapause, which is similar to hibernation, during winter. They’re more than ready to stretch their wings once the weather warms.
Why Are Mosquitoes a Problem?
Mosquitoes need protein, which unfortunately can be found in your blood. Mosquitoes can detect you through the carbon dioxide you emit when breathing. Not only are the itchy bites annoying, but mosquitoes can also transmit serious diseases.
How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes
Mosquitoes thrive in and near stagnant water. To keep them away from your home, you need to eliminate sources of standing water. This will hinder their ability to lay eggs as well. You can also use our Natural Insect Repellent to help keep mosquitoes from finding you.
Ants would definitely pick spring as their favorite time of the year. It’s when they begin to march through your yard and into your home. In spring, ants come out and begin looking for a new area to grow a colony as well as resources to replenish their food supply.
Why Are Ants a Problem?
Ants enjoy eating things that you do including sweets and protein. This means they’ll be looking for crumbs you happen to leave behind. These bugs are tiny and can slip into small cracks. Rain can also flood ant nests. This causes them to look for a place to stay until their nests dry out. Unfortunately, they may choose your home.
How to Get Rid of Ants
Make sure your home isn’t too inviting to these pests. Sweep up crumbs, wipe up spills, and seal any cracks or gaps. If you’re dealing with a few uninvited guests, check out our No Spill Ant Kill bait. Ants will carry the bait back to the nest where others will eat it. This will help to kill the ants you see and the ones you don’t.
Another spring pest that enjoys jumping into your life is the flea. Fleas are small, reddish-brown bugs that feed on blood. They typically come inside after attaching to your pets, specifically dogs and cats.
Why Are Fleas a Problem?
These bugs can leave you and your pet with itchy bites. They can also hinder your furry family member’s health. Excessive scratching, spotting fleas, bites on you or your pet, and flea dirt can help you identify a flea infestation. Fleas and their feces can be spotted in pet beds, carpets, in the grooves of flooring, and behind or under furniture.
How to Get Rid of Fleas
Getting rid of fleas will require treating your pet and your home. Contacting your pet’s veterinarian is a good place to start. They can help you determine the best treatment plan for your furry family member. You can treat your home with our Bed Bug & Flea Killer. This product can be used on pet bedding, but it shouldn’t be applied directly to your pet.
Mosquitoes aren’t the only flying bug that likes 50-degree weather. Queen wasps begin to emerge when temperatures consistently stay warm. Like ants, they are looking for a new place to build their nest.
Why Are Wasps a Problem?
Paper wasps frequently use yards to construct their nests, which are made of a paper-like material. These nests have an umbrella-like shape that can help you identify them. Yellow jacket nests can be tricky to find. They build their nests underground but can also place them in structures above ground. If you notice several wasps, there’s a good chance a nest isn’t far away. Wasps are territorial and aggressive. They aren’t afraid to sting multiple times, so you’ll want to be careful.
How to Get Rid of Wasps
To help keep stinging insects out of your home, repair cracks and damaged screens. Remove trash and keep the trash can sealed. When enjoying a meal outside, cover your food. If these pests have already claimed part of your home, try our Wasp & Hornet Killer.
You probably have a story about an epic showdown with a fly. These bugs like to hang out in your home, especially once the weather turns nice. Houseflies and cluster flies are common in spring. Cluster flies can overwinter in homes and pop up in spring when they come out of their hiding places.
Why Are Flies a Problem?
Houseflies feed and breed in garbage and other dirty material. When they land on food, they can transfer bacteria. Cluster flies are annoying, but don’t carry disease. Flies slip in when windows and doors are open. They rest on walls, floors, and the ceiling. You may be able to detect these pests when they make noise. Flies create a buzzing noise when their wings beat together.
How to Get Rid of Flies
Removing trash from your home can help to deter flies. To avoid cluster flies, you’ll want to seal cracks and crevices in fall before they sneak inside for winter. If you come across any pesky flies, our Flying Insect Killer will do the trick.
Spring brings many good things our way, but bugs aren’t one of them. If any of these spring pests invade your home and yard, we want to help. Check out Maggie’s Farm Simply Effective™ Pest Control products.